Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to Write a Good CV: One-page CV

Maybe now you’re at a moment that you have to prepare your own Curriculum Vitae (CV). It is probably because you intend to apply for a job or a scholarship. Whatever it is, one thing for sure is that you need to write and design a compelling CV. 

When you start to write a compelling CV, you need to consider first how to write a good CV. CV consultants generally recommend a one-page CV. In the job market today, not all CV is a one-page CV. In fact, many are not one-page CVs. But, the best CV is a one-page CV.

It’s perhaps a bit strange given that a CV should be used to inform reader all information yourself and your expertise. How can you fit all the information in one page? In fact, you will not be able to do so.
You might design your CV into 2 pages, 5 pages, even a single book. You may be someone who has a lot of experiences, experiences that shape you like you are right now. But, that is not exactly what necessary is in designing a CV.

This happens because of a misunderstanding about what actually a CV is. CV should not be used to inform recruiter all about you. So, what exactly is CV? CV simply is a marketing document designed to help you to get interview invitation.

Just like other marketing documents in general, a CV should include all the main points you want to sell and sufficient information to make it credible, but not excessive.

In a recruitment process, HR people will receive a lot of CVs. With the large number of applications received, HR people would favor a concise one-page CV more. They want to see how you can present yourself in a well summarized way, in just one page. Hence, one-page CV will give you a good impression to the recruiter and provide opportunities for you to showcase your skills and experience.

So, what should be included in a one-page CV?
  • Contact information. Write your name on one line write the address, phone number, and email address on new lines. 
  • Education. For each degree you hold, write the name of the title, the institution, and year of study. 
  • Work experience. Write the position held, the name of company where you work, and duration of your work. Describe your role or position in a sentence. 
  • Organization or Committee experience. Write each position of the experience, the name of organization or event, and duration of the work. 
  • Awards and publications. Write any professional awards you’ve received institution who give the awards, and year when you won the award. 
  • Expertise. Write skills and attributes you have that are relevant to the job description that you want to apply for. 
  • Interests. If you still have space in your CV, include interest and relevant details to the job you want to apply for. 
  • Reference. Include reference, if there’s more space left. Write the name of the reference, title, and organization in which he is affiliated and contact information.
Try to stick to one line-rule (one fact in one line) for all information you specified, but use good judgment. If there are areas that need to be explained more than one line, do so. Ask someone else to review your resume before you send it to a company or academic institution. Choose only things that are important to put onto your CV. If they are interested, you will have the opportunity to discuss your CV in deeper detail.

Here is some examples of cool one-page CV. Note that these CVs are designer's CV, CV made by design-related people. The design maybe is too extreme for another kind of job that is more formal. Nevertheless, you still can draw inspiration of how a one-page CV look and outlined.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Why People Do Good Things? Being Kind is Addictive

Someone ever asked me, "Why is doing good things or being kind so addictive to some people?" Apart from dogmatic rules taught by religion, many people being kind not only because of those dogmatic commands written in the holy book. How is the brain's mechanism related to these addictive good things?

One of the answers to this question is because of the existence of dopamine in brain. Dopamine is a kind of chemical substances that can stimulate good feeling when we do good deed. Dopamine can also be found in animal’s brain. Dopamine in animal brain has a role in such behaviors that trying to maximize the expected outcome. I will not give further explanation about dopamine because I will answer the main question above from gene and brain circuit perspectives. However, you can read further explanation about dopamine on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopamine#Functions_in_the_brain.

According to gene perspective, we will talk about evolution. Evolution occurs because of its mechanism. One of the mechanisms is natural selection. Natural selections occur based on "survival of the fittest" principle. One of behavior that has successfully survived over the natural selection is altruistic behavior. Research shows that in a group of social species, altruist behavior is needed in order to survive and to attract partner for reproduction. Therefore, to human as a species (Homo sapiens sapiens) that has been survived over thousand of natural and social selections, altruist behavior is already planted in our gene, even it has been a competitive advantage compared to others.

Besides of gene, doing good things or being kind or altruistic behavior is also related to brain circuit. Human brain has 2 circuits related to this matter. "Reward circuit" (Nucleus accumbens / NAcc) and "Altruist circuit" (Obito frontal cortex).
reward circuit and altruist circuit in brain
Reward circuit and Altruist Circuit of Brain
Based on "reward circuit", someone acts and behave based on reward and punishment principle. He will do good things knowing that he will get a reward in return, such as religion concept for reward for moral conduct, compliment, money, etc. Based on "altruist circuit", someone acts and behave based on his virtue. He will do good things because he knows that the deed must be done.

The development of each circuit is different for each individual, even different for each species. In decision making process, these two circuit work antagonistically. Does one do good things only for the rewards? Or does one do good things because he understands that he need/must do it? Does he just sit back knowing that he will get nothing in return? Does he avoid something bad only because his fear over the punishment? Or does he avoid it because he really knows that it has bad consequences for others?

Furthermore, the confrontation of those 2 circuits makes the motive of every human act as a spectrum. Motive to seek for reward and the sincerity of one have a ratio in every human act. Beside the illustration in previous paragraph, someone may do good things or being kind 80% because expecting reward, 20% because of his virtue. Someone may avoid doing bad thing because he understand its social consequences and because of little fear of the punishment. So, how about you?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Can't Sleep? 14 Tips to How to Get to Sleep

can't sleep
Can't Sleep

Sleeplessness is very tiring. It may disrupt your energy level that you can do your daily activities or works optimally. In most people, sleeplessness is much related to insomnia. And the cause of insomnia is very different for each people. But, let's just focus to simple remedies for insomnia or simple sleeplessness. 

Whether you have occasional sleeplessness or insomnia, you can try these 14 simple tips to how to get to sleep. I've sorted the steps from the easiest one.
hot water bath before sleep
  1. Turn off the light. Try to make your sleeping environment or room conducive for sleeping. This will help to let the brain know that this is time to sleep. 
  2. Try to take hot shower or hot bath before going to sleep, if possible. This will help to give relax sensation to your body and will help you to fall asleep. 
  3. Avoid the use of computer and television 1-2 hours before going to bed. 
  4. Try to have your meal as late as 1-2 hours before going to bed. 
  5. Drink a glass of hot milk or chocolate or banana before going to bed. They are rich of sorotonin that plays role in sleeping mechanism. 
  6. Listening to some relaxing music may also helps fall asleep. 
  7. Reading a book may also help some people to fall asleep. 
  8. Try to take night exercise or take exercise in any other hours at the same day. 
  9. Exercising or doing sport will make you extremely tired. Your comfy bed will be soo tempting that you can't resist it. The point is try to make yourself busy. Try to make yourself tired. Then you really need to be recharged by night. 
  10. Drink alcohol before going to bed. Just a couple of glass of wine or your favorite alcohol beverage will help you to fall asleep. 
  11. Try meditation. Meditation can help you to feel relax, the tense of your muscle and your mind. Focus your mind from toe to head. Honestly, I am not capable of this meditation thing, it takes time to learn to meditate. But, my friends said, once you're capable to do meditation, believe it, the sensation and the benefit that you'll gained will be so much helpful. You can call the good mood whenever you want, and you can make yourself relax. Visit your local/nearest meditation center to start learning meditation.
  12. You can try to take medication. You can start by consuming CTM or Antimo that have that may cause heavy sleepy feeling as its side effect. CTM is one of allergy relief drugs in Indonesia. Antimo is a medication to prevent and treat nausea, vomiting, and dizziness caused by motion/travel sickness sold in Indonesia. You can try to find the same kind of drugs sold in your country. Some friends also suggested drugs, such as Dumolid, Lexotan, Calmlet, Frixitas, Xanax, etc. The problem is that these kind of drugs are classified as psychoactive drug. Those drugs will give you psychedelic sensation if consumed with alcohol beverage. And that's why you can't buy them without prescription in any certified drug stores in Indonesia. These kind of drugs can be consumed if you're having anxiety impeding your sleep. Another alternative is Melatonin. Melatonin is one of drug that is specifically made to handle insomnia. Melatonin is kind of new drug. So, it doesn't have that many medical record. 
  13. Orgasm. Yes, sex after sleep is the best. Whether you masturbate on your own or have sex with your partner, orgasm really can help you to fall asleep. 
  14. Pay a visit to a doctor or psychologist for consultation. Insomnia is not a disease, but it is a symptom. This can be a stress symptom to any problem that you are having right now. Therefore, it would be so much better if you can consult your problem to professionals to cure your insomnia from its bigger picture. 
after sex-sleep
After sex-sleep
Those are 14 steps of how to get to sleep that I can share with you. You can try by your own. May they will help. :)